Introduced in 1986, the Orphan Sponsorship Programme (OSP) is one of Islamic Relief’s longest running programmes. The programme serves tens of thousands of children in countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Sponsorship links donors with children and disadvantaged families. Orphaned children, having lost the support and protection of usually, their father (or both parents), are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. Of the estimated 153 million orphans around the world, most live with a single parent, grandparent or with other extended family members. However, there is nonetheless an increased risk of them becoming marginalised, destitute or exploited. Islamic and humanitarian motivations have seen Islamic Relief’s donor communities across the globe drive the development of the OSP. The sponsorship programme supports two of Islamic Relief’s four 2017-2021 global strategy goals ‘empowering local communities to emerge from poverty and vulnerability’ and ‘mobilising people and funds to support our work’. This is underpinned by a vision of engaging and working with young people to deliver the 2030 agenda. Losing one or both parents is extremely traumatic and orphans in less developed countries potentially face further difficulties. It is for these reasons that the Qur’an and Prophet Muhamad (peace be up on him) frequently reference the reward obtained for the care of orphans. In the Holy Qu’ran alone, the word ‘orphan’ is mentioned more than 20 times in different places. As an organisation, Islamic Relief also feels this sense of responsibility towards these vulnerable children. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “Myself and the one who takes care of an orphan will be in paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together. The OSP is inspired by the importance and emphasis Islam places on the duty of care which we all have towards orphans. Finally Islamic Relief Somalia Orphan Sponsorship Program (OSP) has been carrying out in the country since July, 2010. Almost 4500 orphan children comprising of (2,123 girls and 2,377 boys) are currently benefited from this program. The poorest of the poor families are targeted and financially supported to assist in meeting basic education for the children. Sponsored Orphan Children receives cash support per quarter via their individual bank accounts.
Based on findings from need assessment carried out in Sep 2015 in Garowe. IRS Management agreed to re-establish Orphan Sponsorship Program in Punthalnd and in the same year (2015) registration of almost 130 Vulnerable Orphan Children from Garowe town was accomplished. Since then the program has been spreading in to accessible districts under Nugaal Region, and almost 770 Orphan Children are benefiting from the program.
Orphan Sponsorship Program was initially begun in Galkaio-Punthland state of Somalia immediately after IR Somalia office commenced its services in the country in 2006. Almost 450 Orphan children from districts under Mudug and Nugal regions of Puntland have been benefited from the program till 2011. However; due to prolonged insecurity issues the Orphan Sponsorship Program in Galkaio District came to an end in the year of 2011. In attempts of Islamic Relief Worldwide for fighting Poverty and Suffering Worldwide, IR Somalia started operating in Somaliland part in 2010 and very first commenced project was the Orphan Sponsorship Program. 200 Vulnerable Orphan Children from 5 districts of Hargiesa town was registered in Aug, 2010. The Program has been extremely growing and spread throughout the settlements under Marothi Jeh, Gabiley and Sahil Regions of Somaliland year after year. Currently 3264 Vulnerable Orphan Children are benefiting from the Program as per below table.