Islamic Relief drilled 15 borheoles in Somaliland and 13 boreholes in Puntland, to ensure water sustainability in those boreholes IRS Supported governments of Somaliland and puntland and enhanced their capacity through providing rig machines, air compressor, pumps, generators, and vehicles to monitor the boreholes and rehabilitate immediately after the operator reports technical problems, this ensured more than 80,000 individuals to have access to clean and sustainable water. Also we have rehabilitated 14 shallow wells in Awdal region, and developed mini water systems for number of villages in that region.
New water well for Laantahawada project with funds from IRUK, we successfully drilled a new borehole in that village, and more than 3,000 people are utilizing the borehole. .
Two new sand dams were completed this was a polite project implemented in Qardho and Garowe districts in Puntland, more than 7,500 people benefited from the project.
New spring development project implemented, shallow wells rehabilitated, water pan constructed and more than 2 km pipeline extended in Bari region, Somalia.
Islamic Relief drilled two new shallow wells in two different villages and supported more than 5,000 individuals.
One new borehole drilled and equipped in Yombays village in Nugal region, the project supported 3,000 people with water.
COVID-19 response projects were implemented in Baida, Buurtinle, Garowe, Balcad, Banadir region, Baladwayne and Qardho districts.
Construction of new water systems were implemented in Baladwayne, Qardho, Baki and Baidoa.
New rain water harvesting facilities implemented in Baidoa district in Bay region,
Hygiene kits were distributed in Baladwayne, Qardho, Baidoa and Jowhar.